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Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG

To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight Forward Business manner. We worked on various Projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved. EWT places trust and confidence in Mr. Olaf to deliver Quality Service on time and at fair Price. However, we have no legal binding on this document.

Imad Umer Envirogen Group

Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG

To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight Forward Business manner. We worked on various Projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved.

Priyadarshi Sharma Mutual PR GmbH

Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG

To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight Forward Business manner. We worked on various Projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved.

Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Pöhnl PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH

To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight Forward Business manner. We worked on various Projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved.

VP of Beijing ZDLX

Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG

To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by him or managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight forward business manner. We worked on various projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved.

Kind regards, Director Mr. Dinh Quang Vu Ngoc
Mr. Dinh Quang Vu Ngoc THUCO

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, To whom it may concern:

We hereby confirm that we are working since several years together with Mr. Olaf Riedel and the Companies owned by him or managed by him. Over the time we experienced a proffesional and straight forward business manner. We worked on various projects together and all became a good succes for all parties involved.

CAD – Schiffl

Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG

To whom it may concern;

I have known and worked with Mr. Olaf Riedel on numerous municipal wastewater treatment facilities and developing business in Europe and USA since 2007. He is diligent and knowledgeable of wastewater processes and will be able to provide reliable & efficent equipment for the WWTF designed. He also has the skills and contacts to provide excellent O&M training and start-up expertise. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Best Regards!
David M. Anderson

Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo der Riedel Consult OHG
Partnerlogo von Mann + Hummel